Sunday, June 5, 2016

Moving Reflections

A little over two weeks ago Carolyn and I moved in with our new host family.  As with any move it was filled with work, challenges, and a whole lot of change.  Much of this we anticipated, but some of the challenges we could not.  While we've been gradually giving away our belongings, the most difficult thing we've had to give away was our cats.  For those of you who have pets, you can probably empathize with us regarding our mixed emotions of joy that our cats will have homes and sorrow that we must give them up.

Even though we had prayed for them to be able to leave, we still felt deep sadness with their departure.  We had already emptied the house, but the night we came home after dropping off our beloved pets, we were able to finally realize, in full, all we had given up.  We distinctly remember standing inside our front door, the first time we weren't greeted with friendly meows.  Our house felt so empty; it no longer felt like home. We are thankful that were able to leave them knowing that they would be loved and cherished.