There’s a video on YouTube of a dog walking on a treadmill who doesn’t understand that he has to keep moving in order to keep from falling off. He keeps trying to sit down and his owner tells him repeatedly to “walk!”, but again and again he nearly falls off because he wants to enjoy the experience while sitting down. When I watched that video it reminded me of us as believers and the effort it takes to continue in our walk with the Lord. We can’t sit down and just take a break for a bit, we must keep pushing on.
More and more recently it has been emphasized to Dan and I that living for Jesus requires a significant amount of effort in our everyday lives. Learning to walk with the Lord in every step of every day is not something that we can ever take lightly. Just like that dog we have to constantly push and pray and work in order to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”. (2 Cor 10:5)