Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Physics and Schematics

I love schematics (the plans engineers use for building); they are captivating. The detail and planning that goes into them I find intriguing. Not to mention, if you are reading this in your head, stop for a second and say "schematics" out loud. Do it. "Schematics." Wasn’t that fun?!

I love schematics because a schematic removes all the unnecessary clutter and lets you get down to the nitty-gritty of the plan. It shows you what you need, and only what you need, to successfully construct and complete the core of what you are creating.

In 5th grade, one of my favorite books had a fascinating chapter that described in detail different secret passage ways and what they were used for. It talked about exciting things like trap doors and booby traps. It was great. It was clear to me that whoever built that castle had planned ahead in case they needed to use those secrets in a sticky situation. Not to mention they probably drew up some schematics too!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fueled by Prayer

Carolyn and I just received our offer letter from Wycliffe! We will be accepted as member of Wycliffe on November 1st. Thank you God. Hallelujah! This is an answer to prayer, and Carolyn and I are so excited! Thank you for your support in prayer!

I wanted to write a post on prayer, but here is my problem: prayer is a huge word. Because of the nature of my job I find myself interacting with many who, whether they believe in God or not, pray. I encounter many ideas and opinions on what prayer is, and its usefulness. The fact that we have a wonderful God who answers prayers in such a way is mind-boggling. The ruler of the universe cares enough about each and every one of us so intimately to not only listen, not only answer, but answer in a way that puts his kingdom, glory, and then our well-being as a priority. Carolyn and I have been sitting and recollecting on some of the prayers that we have prayed and how they have been answered.